ANTI – spam

the most
way to
the most effective
way to increase
Our specialists will monitor and maintain your email domain’s health, and improve deliverability metrics by avoiding spam filters
Free consultation
Why Anti – spam? Improve
email domain
health, And the
overall success
of your outreach
deliverability and
the overall
success of your
outreach campaign
An estimated 90% of all emails sent each day are categorized as spam. SalesAR’s anti-spam measures are aimed at placing you within the other 10%.
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Spam filters are incredibly sensitive these days, and emails flagged as spam can significantly impact your deliverability rates. Our anti spam service helps ensure that your emails end up at their intended destinations by avoiding practices seen as spammy by email service providers.
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Being identified as an email domain that sends out spammy emails will lead to bad press, poor customer relations, and blacklisting by anti-spam service providers. Our Anti-Spam campaign will help protect your online reputation, and ensure that you’re successfully delivering valuable content to your customers and clients.
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Saves Time & Generates ROI
If your email account is blacklisted or suppressed, and you aren’t even aware of the fact, you’ll be wasting your time and resources sending out emails to a dead end. Additionally, blacklistings can cost money due to filtering costs and mail rejection fees associated with email providers who don’t want to deal with the increases in bounces, unsubscribes, etc…
Maximize your
Maximize your
outbound marketing
ANTI – spam Services photo - 18 01 Domain Overview
  • We check the overall health of the domain and how it behaves when sending emails.
  • We examine crucial parameters like the Sender Score and the Health Score.
  • Based on the condition of the domain alone you can understand and predict how the emails you send will behave.
ANTI – spam Services photo - 19 02 DNS Checkout
  • One of the most important aspects of sending any email is the correct configuration of the main DNS records (MX, SPF, DMARC, DKIM).
  • Our experience shows that more than 80% of our clients had problems with DNS records on their domain, which led to spam issues.
  • We analyze your current records and provide advice with simple instructions on how to set up and implement all the necessary changes.
ANTI – spam Services photo - 20 03 Blacklist Overview
  • Despite all the work put into your domain and email settings, it can have zero impact if your domain or IP address is blacklisted.
  • We check and analyze more than 100 popular and not-so-popular blacklists and help you “restore” your reputation. This way, you will be one step closer to getting your emails to reach their intended inbox.
ANTI – spam Services photo - 21 04 Deliverability Checkout
  • We review the current state of your emails and how they perform when sending emails.
  • We can see where and with what probability your emails are delivered in the most popular email providers, such as Google, Outlook, Yahoo, and a few others.
  • Based on the data we gather, we will be able to give you tips on how to improve your email deliverability performance to maximize the results.
ANTI – spam Services photo - 22 05 Spam Filters Overview
  • One of the last obstacles on your email’s pathway to the recipient’s inbox may be one of the many commonly used spam filters. This includes Google Spam Filter, Barracuda, and SpamAssassin.
  • We can see how individual anti-spam services react to your email and can give you tips on how to properly bypass them.
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improve your

improve your

Work with our anti-spam specialists to maximize the cost-efficiency of your outreach efforts
Speak with a representative and learn more about how our anti-spam team works 
Join the ranks
of our satisfied
Join the ranks
of our satisfied clients
"Their commitment to reaching our ICP, outreach goals and transparency have impressed us the most." 01/5
"Elena was our primary contact and account manager, and she was fantastic and a pleasure to work with!" 02/5

The team’s responsiveness and overall customer service were greatly appreciated. Their success rate was high, and they truly operated like a real company member.

"We enjoyed their work efficiency and commitment to learning more about our company" 03/5
“It's been impressive to see how productive SalesAR is.” 04/5
"I found that their responsiveness was the most impressive and impactful aspect of their service." 05/5
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Need a cost-
effective way to

Need a cost-
effective way to

We will monitor and maintain your email domain’s health and improve deliverability metrics.
Unlocking Your
Unlocking Your
Insights and Strategies for Growth
Unlocking Your
Business Potential:
Blog Insights and Strategies for Growth
01 What are anti-spam services?
02 What can trigger spam filters?
03 Why are my emails being flagged as spam?
04 How many emails can you send without being flagged as spam?
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